Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tell me about the power of advertising as you see it.  What types of ads appeal to you?  Or disgust you?  What kind of ads seem pointless or senseless to you?
The types of ads that appeal to me are the types of ads that make me feel happy. The ads that have families and everyone are enjoying life. I also like the ads that are just funny and make me smile those are the ads that I think everyone likes. The ads that disgust me are those that are well disgusting. There are ads that are just dumb and then there are ads that just cross the line and I think everyone feels the same way about those kinds of ads. Not only do I think those kinds of ads are disgusting, but I also find that they are pointless. I find that most ads and commercials are being viewed by children and young teenagers so I think that the ads should tone it down and keep in mind the audience that will be viewing their ad and make it appropriate. That is what I find completely and totally pointless. The idea that sex sells is something I find pointless. This is why I think it is most important to show kids the funny ads rather than the ads that are inappropriate. Show them that they don’t have to look like the girls in the ads or make them think that some of the things they show in commercials are the norm.                                 
Yes I am a Facebook user. I have a Facebook mostly to keep up with all my friends from high school. I do think that most people are becoming too addicted to Facebook and this type of thing. I have almost 400 friends and I know that that’s a lot but through choirs and camps that I have been too I have met a lot of people and have been friends with most of these people at one point in time.  I am very cautious about what I put on my page. I know that there are going to be people that I do not want knowing all of my business looking at my page so why would I put it on my page. I feel that it is perfectly ok for future employers to look at my page. I if am stupid enough to put something that I do not want them to see on my page then why shouldn’t they see it. There are always dangers and risks associated with being on the internet. I think one of the major risks from Facebook would be having friends that you do not know. That is very dangerous to me. I also think it is very smart for businesses and television stations to join the Facebook bandwagon. It has become such a sensation that I believe they would be dumb not to join. It is a great way for them to reach new viewers or fans.
What is my major and why did I choose it? What qualities, strengths, or skills do you naturally possess that make you suited to this type of employment?  Once you graduate, do you intend to stay in the Dayton area or leave the city? State? Country?  And what is the ideal employment situation for you? 
The major that I chose is elementary education. I picked this as my major because I really enjoy kids and the fact that I know what kids can do if you believe in them. I truly believe that this is the career for me because it is what I have wanted my entire life. I am very good with kids and I teach a junior church class at my church and the class has grown since I started and I hope it is because the kids are having fun and inviting their friends to church.  All my family and my friends say that I would make a great teacher because I have the qualities of a teacher. I am kind and work well with kids. Once I graduate I do wish to stay in the Dayton area preferably close to home; I am very close with all my family. The ideal situation for me would be to get a job in the area surrounding the town I grew up in. As I said before I am very close to my family so I would not be able to move far away from where I grew up.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings.
I think that the statement is very true. If you go outside on a summer day you don’t really see any kids out playing much, you would find them inside on the couch doing nothing. When I was younger my parents would only let me watch TV for one hour then I had to find something else to do. Mostly I would go outside and play with my older sister or read a book. I also have a younger sister who doesn’t have this rule, my  parents are busy and aren’t there to enforce these types of rules even if she had them. What happens is she will sit there from when she gets home from school until when my parents get home and then she might do something else, but most of the time she just stays there. I told you all of this because she isn’t as healthy as she could be and her school work suffers because she doesn’t always do her homework. I’m not saying that she isn’t a good kid because she is, what I am saying is that she doesn’t have discipline. I think that if she would do something instead of sit in front of the television she would be more active. That is just my own personal experience, but I also have family friends that I used to babysit for that had the same problem. It was like trying to pull teeth to get the kids outside to play. Some of the best memories from when I was younger are me and my sister outside playing, and I want for my little sister to have the same experiences.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Basin Street - Palmer Hayden

I chose this painting because of the era it was painted mostly. This time period has always made me feel good about having fun, being free, and just hanging out with the people that matter to me. When I look at this painting I see two people dancing and falling in love with each other. These two people look like they are lost in each other’s embrace while in a large group of people. Listening to the jazz in the background, dancing, and spending time with each other is what they live for. The main focus of the painting is the two people in the front but there are also others in the painting each seem to have a story to tell. The musicians all look like they are pouring their soul into the music while others listen; they are playing for themselves and making it come alive with their feelings. The people in the background of the painting seem to be having the time of their lives or at the least they are happy in this time and place. These people look like they relish in their lives and being with their friends having fun. They are all enjoying the drinks, music, and gambling and the party is at the most fun part. That is why I chose this painting because of all the happiness and excitement that this piece of art expresses to me.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why I chose WSU

After I finished high school I was ready to get on with my life, college and work I was ready for it, except I was broke.  My parents said I would appreciate my education more if I paid for it myself, so I had to get a job and earn some money. I got a job and saved up what I thought was enough money then applied to Cedarville University and got accepted. When I filled out the application for financial aid I didn’t get as much as I thought I would. I called the advisor that I was assigned and asked her how I could get more scholarships and she told me that my parents were the reason I wasn’t able to get more financial aid. I explained to her that they wouldn’t be paying for any of my college, but she said that had no effect on my financial aid. So, now my parents were not helping me and I could not afford to go to Cedarville University. Needless to say I was upset.  Then my older sister, Tricia, told me that I should just go ahead and apply to Wright State because it was where she went so I went online and thankfully they were still accepting applications for the winter quarter. After a couple of days I got an e-mail saying that I was accepted and needed to do a writing sample and a prerequisite math test. Because of my schedule I had to take the math test on the first day of classes. That morning I went to Wright State with Tricia, we talked to my Academic Advisor, and then I took the math test. When I finished the test Tricia and I went to the Student Union where we ate lunch. She got online to see if I could register for classes and then proceeded to sign me up for classes which I then attended on my first day at Wright State. Choosing Wright State was the right decision financially for me even if I had my heart set on Cedarville University.