Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings.
I think that the statement is very true. If you go outside on a summer day you don’t really see any kids out playing much, you would find them inside on the couch doing nothing. When I was younger my parents would only let me watch TV for one hour then I had to find something else to do. Mostly I would go outside and play with my older sister or read a book. I also have a younger sister who doesn’t have this rule, my  parents are busy and aren’t there to enforce these types of rules even if she had them. What happens is she will sit there from when she gets home from school until when my parents get home and then she might do something else, but most of the time she just stays there. I told you all of this because she isn’t as healthy as she could be and her school work suffers because she doesn’t always do her homework. I’m not saying that she isn’t a good kid because she is, what I am saying is that she doesn’t have discipline. I think that if she would do something instead of sit in front of the television she would be more active. That is just my own personal experience, but I also have family friends that I used to babysit for that had the same problem. It was like trying to pull teeth to get the kids outside to play. Some of the best memories from when I was younger are me and my sister outside playing, and I want for my little sister to have the same experiences.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you associated the lack of completing homework with watching television, because I do believe there is a correlation. I also like how you added your personal experience to this topic.
