Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why I chose WSU

After I finished high school I was ready to get on with my life, college and work I was ready for it, except I was broke.  My parents said I would appreciate my education more if I paid for it myself, so I had to get a job and earn some money. I got a job and saved up what I thought was enough money then applied to Cedarville University and got accepted. When I filled out the application for financial aid I didn’t get as much as I thought I would. I called the advisor that I was assigned and asked her how I could get more scholarships and she told me that my parents were the reason I wasn’t able to get more financial aid. I explained to her that they wouldn’t be paying for any of my college, but she said that had no effect on my financial aid. So, now my parents were not helping me and I could not afford to go to Cedarville University. Needless to say I was upset.  Then my older sister, Tricia, told me that I should just go ahead and apply to Wright State because it was where she went so I went online and thankfully they were still accepting applications for the winter quarter. After a couple of days I got an e-mail saying that I was accepted and needed to do a writing sample and a prerequisite math test. Because of my schedule I had to take the math test on the first day of classes. That morning I went to Wright State with Tricia, we talked to my Academic Advisor, and then I took the math test. When I finished the test Tricia and I went to the Student Union where we ate lunch. She got online to see if I could register for classes and then proceeded to sign me up for classes which I then attended on my first day at Wright State. Choosing Wright State was the right decision financially for me even if I had my heart set on Cedarville University.


  1. Call me an eternal optimist, but I believe that things usually turn out for the best. If you stay focused and disciplined, you will do well at WSU.

  2. Even though Wright State wasn't your first choice, I hope your experience here will be a positive one. Sometimes life deals us lemons, but it's up to us to make lemonade out of those lemons. Good Luck!
