Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yes I am a Facebook user. I have a Facebook mostly to keep up with all my friends from high school. I do think that most people are becoming too addicted to Facebook and this type of thing. I have almost 400 friends and I know that that’s a lot but through choirs and camps that I have been too I have met a lot of people and have been friends with most of these people at one point in time.  I am very cautious about what I put on my page. I know that there are going to be people that I do not want knowing all of my business looking at my page so why would I put it on my page. I feel that it is perfectly ok for future employers to look at my page. I if am stupid enough to put something that I do not want them to see on my page then why shouldn’t they see it. There are always dangers and risks associated with being on the internet. I think one of the major risks from Facebook would be having friends that you do not know. That is very dangerous to me. I also think it is very smart for businesses and television stations to join the Facebook bandwagon. It has become such a sensation that I believe they would be dumb not to join. It is a great way for them to reach new viewers or fans.

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